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Weight loss in the New Year

·2 mins

Even though Christmas isn’t over yet, you might be thinking of your New Year’s Resolutions. If one of them is to do with loosing weight, I might be able to help.

In the New Year I’ll be running a selection of workshops, courses and individual sessions specifically for using EFT to assist you to loose weight. Here’s how EFT can help you loose weight

  • Relieving Cravings with EFT In this 2 hour workshop I’ll show you how to use EFT to relieve those cravings that sabotage your weight loss efforts. You’ll be able to easily remove the irresistible urge for chocolate, chips, biscuit, etc. Being in control makes it a lot easier to achieve your weight loss goals. This process doesn’t just apply to weight loss, it works just as well with other cravings including cigarettes and it’s a lot less expensive than patches! Details
  • Weight loss course In this weight loss course for a group of four sessions stretching over two months. We will use EFT to reduce the blocks to loosing weight. This is not about calorie counting or exercising, rather overcoming the psychological barriers to easily achieving your ideal weight. The group setting gives moral support and allows lower cost. Details
  • Individual weight loss sessions If you prefer individual sessions that can be booked at your convenience they can easily be arranged via the Bodywork Centre

To book any of these sessions please contact The Bodywork Centre in Hexham (01434) 601 577.