Training - Special Offer Just For 'Tappers' Who Want To Heal The 'Inner Child'
As you may know I’ve been developing a collection of processes I call Identity Healing since 2010 as a way of working with entrenched patterns of emotion and behaviour that are often installed during childhood.
These patterns are like younger versions of ourselves that come to the fore in stressful situations. If you’ve been in a challenging situation and felt as if you were a helpless child again then you know what this is like.
These younger parts of ourselves, sometimes called sub-personalities, usually formed in stressful childhood situations, are responsible for a lot of our unresourceful emotional responses and patterns of behaviour, even when we are trying hard to be a capable adult.
In standard EFT you would work with these patterns by looking for the memories of when they were formed, then neutralising them with tapping.
Since these patterns are often formed at a very early age it can be difficult to identify and process the relevant memories.
The Identity Healing processes sidestep that problem by working directly with the sub-personality that is trapped in this pattern. You don’t need to identify or work with the memories, everything that needs soothing and changing is easily available and amenable to tapping.
When I started working on these processes I was cautiously hopeful that they would be effective for healing these kind of hard to work with issues, they turned out to be much more powerful and helpful than I had imagined.
I have used this process with many clients to resolve chronic patterns of thought / feeling and behaviour that I would have found difficult to process using standard EFT approaches.
My clients have found that what used to be almost intolerably difficult situations and responses have changed completely. Katie’s story is a short but representative example of someone shifting from a ‘frightened child state’ to become a more resourceful adult.
It’s taken a long time for me to be confident enough about the effectiveness and safety of the process to want to train other people in the process.
The first training was last September, the next is in less than two weeks in Newcastle upon Tyne.
The few EFT Practitioners (so far) that I have trained in this method have also reported dramatic shifts in their clients
“I have found Andy Hunt’s training in Identity Healing a highly valuable, inspiring and enlightening learning experience, delivered by Andy with integrity, compassion, wisdom and gentle humour.
Having used this process with many clients since completing the course a few weeks ago, I am very impressed with the simplicity, elegance and effectiveness of Identity Healing approach, even with the most complex and challenging issues. I saw some surprising and significant shifts for a number of people with whom we had achieved only limited progress in previous weeks and months using psychotherapy, classic EFT, EMDR and Matrix Reimprinting.
I found Identity Healing especially useful with clients who are burdened by shame and guilt and are struggling to feel any compassion for themselves, and for those in a chronic state of self-sabotage or stuckness.”
Masha Bennett, Psychotherapist
Naturally, I want to get this process out into the world where it can do some good, but if you’ve ever tried to get something new off the ground that’s a challenge.
So far, few people have heard of it or experienced it and they only have my word for it that it’s worth using. So it can be a bit of a challenge filling training places at the start of a process’s career.
Which brings me to the purpose of this email.
There are still some places available on the next Identity Healing training on February 7th & 8th in Newcastle upon Tyne and I’d like fill the available places to give the best experience possible to the trainees and to have more good people out in the world using these techniques for themselves and their clients.
So if you are interested in learning this powerful tapping technique and since you are a reader of my newsletter I’d like to offer you a special deal.
If you sign up for the training using this link you can sign up and bring a friend for free (which is equivalent to £85 each for a full weekend’s training).
Remember this is an advanced and experiential training so both of you must have attended an EFT Level 2 training or above.
I realise this is very short notice and you may have to travel to Newcastle upon Tyne, but I will do what I can to facilitate your travel, training and accommodation.
Thanks for taking the time to read this far, if this training is the right thing for you I look forward to seeing you there.