To tap or not to tap

    To tap or not to tap

    To tap or not to tap

    28 Apr 2006 by Andy Hunt Eft

    A came across this elegant summary of perenial problem

    To tap or not to tap,
    That is the question.
    Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind
    To suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
    Or to tap continually against a sea of troubles,
    And by opposing—end them.

    William Shakespeare with adjustments by Dr David Lake

    This neatly and humoursly addresses something I’ve noticed. Some clients get a lot of benefits in the session, praising EFT to the hilt, then a few weeks later they are no longer tapping and the benefits have faded from view. They’ll say things like “It didn’t work for me”, or “The problem came back”.

    Maybe EFT didn’t work, or maybe the problem did come back. You could always some more tapping and see what happens. After all, most people don’t expect the couple of asprins they taken this morning to cure all of their headaches for the rest of their lives!

    Or perhaps the ‘return to the problem’ signifies something deeper. What if not having the problem, or symptom, is too disturbing? If you’ve built a part of your life around your problem, how do you cope when it’s not there?

    For some people it’s, better the security of misery, than the misery of insecurity.

    Professor Charles M. Devonshire

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