The Rocky Bar Craving Blues
Part of the EFT Level 1 course involves working with food or other cravings. At a recent Level 1 course one of the participants had brought along a ‘Rocky’ bar which was her favourite. She assessed her craving as a 10 out of 10 and despite my best efforts at bringing down that craving we didn’t seem to get anywhere.
A week later I received this email:
Hi Andy
… thought I would just let you know I haven’t had a “Rocky” bar or any other biscuit since last Saturday and more strangely I haven’t wanted one. I was at another course through the week and the biscuits came with the refreshments at the break-time but they didn’t even register in my thoughts, where I would usually be having an internal tussle of will I have one of won’t I? My biscuits/cake and sweets cupboard remains untouched by me. How very strange!!!
PS I have just been given a large box of Roses by a friend and only the children have tucked into them.
Just goes to show that what sometimes looks like a washout, works over time. I certainly hadn’t expected that result, but it was a very nice surprise.
If you want to attend one of my EFT Level 1 course the next on July 14th.