Tapping Techniques

In Autumn 2012 I presented six online webinars on various subjects relating to EFT/tapping and self-development.
For those of you who would like to watch again or see for the first time here is the list of presentations and links to the recordings and slides of the webinars.
I hope you find them useful
Inclusive Tapping
A webinar that may help you to look at how feelings work in a different way and give you a simple tapping routine to help you more easily let go of the feelings, thoughts and behaviours that no longer serve you.
View or download slides: Inclusive Tapping
Pencil And Paper Tapping
A demonstration of a simple process to deconstruct everyday problem situations that will make tapping on them both simple and effective. All you need is a pencil and some paper.
View or download slides: Pencil and Paper Tapping
How To Undo I Can’t
Short webinar on using a combination of NLP questioning techniques and EFT tapping to free you from the limiting beliefs that start with the words “I can’t …”
The webinar describes a simple, three step process for undoing these limiting beliefs.
View or download slides: How to Undo I Can’t
Exception Tapping: Why Always Is Never A Good Idea
Exception tapping is a simple EFT based technique for softening a specific class of limiting beliefs that start with: always, everbody, nobody, never etc.
This webinar explains a tapping process to undo those kinds of limiting beliefs and how to use it in a variety of situations.
View of download slides: Exception Tapping – Why Always Is Never A Good Idea
How To Uncover Limitations
Our beliefs play a large part of how we are in the world, the guide our attention, let us know what is possible for us and give us or deny us permission to act. Most of us have unhelpful beliefs that limit us and what we can achieve.
This webinar will give you a simple, step by step, process to help you identify some of the limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. All you will need is some paper and a pen.
View or download slides: How To Uncover Limitations
From Description To Solution
There is something about the way we think about the challenges in our lives that make them easier or harder to deal with. If we call something difficult, painful or a struggle, we set ourselves up to experience difficulty, pain or struggle.
This webinar will give you a simple, step by step, process to help you process these limited responses to challenging situations into a much more resourceful state of mind.
To view or download slides: From Description to Solution
What Works For Me
I’ve been using EFT to work on everyday issues and challenges since I first learned the technique more than 10 years ago. In that time I have developed quite a few strategies and tactics to use EFT effectively to change my life for the better. In this webinar I describe some of the approaches to self development that have worked well for me.
To view or download slides: What Works For Me