Practical Wellbeing Newsletter

Practical strategies for professional tappers
If you are a newly minted practitioner, I imagine that you have found working with ‘real’ clients a little different to how you imagined it to be.
The complicated, messy, and intertwined knots of difficulty some clients present you with are nothing like the ‘simple’ practice sessions that you had in your training.
Even if you are an experienced practitioner, there are plenty of knotty situations that you have to untangle when you are working with your clients.
The problem with any technique, even a great technique like tapping, is that it is not enough by itself to help you help some people.
To get great results with clients, you need to be able to:
- be able to work with vulnerable people
- find out what they need
- work out if they are the right person for you
- have an idea about how to get them from where they want to be to where they would like to get to
- keep them safe while you do difficult work
- and a lot more.
These skills can only be hinted at in a short training.
The rest comes down to experience, and mentoring from someone who is more experienced than you are and can help guide you.
As an EFT Mentor (for EFT International) and IEP (Intentional Energy Processes) Mentor, I help practitioners and candidate practitioners find ways to work with the tangled knots of problems that arise when working with real-world clients.
Sometimes this is about specific tapping techniques, but there’s usually more to getting results than just the tapping techniques, it often requires knowing how, where, when, and in what ways to apply those techniques.
The Newsletter
This free newsletter is for practitioners, candidate practitioners (and possibly really determined self-helpers).
It aims to explain some strategies and tactics to work with difficult issues, even before you start tapping. Every strategy will be practical, and fully explained so that you will be able to use the processes described with your clients.
The monthly newsletter will contain:
- a practical strategy (and how and where to use it).
- occasional extra articles or videos.
- information about my EFT and IEP mentoring groups if you want to get more specific assistance from me in person
- information about Identity Healing - a process I developed to work with problems that don’t easily yield to standard tapping techniques.
There will only be one newsletter per month so that you are not overwhelmed by yet another email newsletter.
Important: All the strategies that I will describe come out of my personal experience, they work for me, but I can’t guarantee they will work for you. You will need to use your discretion when applying them.
In general, the approaches I describe are oriented towards therapy rather than coaching because I am a therapist, however many of the approaches may also work well in a coaching environment.
You can see previous issues of the newsletter here
Who am I to offer you this
The approaches described in the newsletter are based on more than 20 years experience as a therapist using a variety modalities. You have the opportunity to learn from my mistakes, I’ve made a lot of them and learned a lot through them.
I am also the creator of Identity Healing® an integrated set of processes developed for experienced tapping practitioners to undo the troublesome identity beliefs and inner conflicts that keep people stuck.
I am an EFT Mentor for EFT International, an IEP/Intention Tapping Mentor and the Identity Healing Lead Trainer and Mentor.
At the time of writing, I’m one of the co-chairs of the Ethics and Professional Conduct Committee for EFT International.
I have written two tapping books, “Getting Out Of Your Own Way” and “The Tapping Toolkit”.
When you sign up
I have two gifts for you when you sign up.
An Intake Process
You will receive a link to a 35-minute video of me describing in detail my intake process, both what I do, and why I do it.

I admit this might not sound very interesting, but many problems the practitioners I mentor have with clients are the result of having a poor intake process.
Some practitioners operate on a “Just show up, we’ll talk about it, then start tapping”. I used to do this, and I soon discovered some downsides to this approach:
- you don’t know anything about your client or their issues before you start
- you don’t know if you and that client will be a good fit working together
- you could be skating on thin ice and have no idea about it before you or the client fall through
- the good thing about tapping is that it is powerful, and the bad thing about tapping is that it is powerful: it is surprisingly easy to open Pandora’s box (but rather harder to close it).
A good intake process will help you:
- start the rapport building process even before you start tapping sessions
- find out what your client wants, establish whether you think you can deliver what they want, and whether they think you can deliver what they want
- get the information you need to let you know if this person is right for you, and you are the right person for them
- it gives you the opportunity to give an informed yes or no, before any harm is done.
The video is just one of many ways of running an intake process, I’m not claiming it’s the best, but it works pretty well for me and I think it might have some value for you.
When you sign up, you will get access to this video.
A 50% Discount On The Tapping Toolkit

When you sign up you will also get a 50% discount on the 300+ page paperback version of my book ‘The Tapping Toolkit’.
The Tapping Toolkit is a practical collection of strategies and tactics for people who use EFT/Tapping for their own personal development or in their professional work with clients.
It’s a book for people who are ready, willing and able to work with their own experience and don’t want to be spoon-fed general purpose, pre-digested solutions.
The Tapping Toolkit is a compilation of some of the Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) / Tapping processes that I have developed over more than 20 years as an EFT Practitioner and Trainer.
The techniques presented in this book range from basic tactics to quite broad strategies for dealing with difficult situations.
- Neutralise resistance to tapping so that you can get on with making the changes you want to make.
- Make problems more “tappable”.
- Identify and neutralise blocks to getting things done.
- Soften negative emotions quickly and easily.
- Easily find and dissolve limiting beliefs.
- Change unhelpful patterns of behaviour and help create new ways of doing things.
This isn’t a book for people who want to be spoon-fed.
- There are no tapping scripts where you follow along with my tapping suggestions. You’ll need to do some thinking or feeling of your own to get the best from this book.
- There are no guides for working with specific problems such as abundance, weight loss, self-esteem and so on. You can’t go to the index (there isn’t one) and look up your specific issue. Instead, I’ll be inviting you to look a bit more deeply into what is going on and tap on that.
- There are no promises of miracle cures or one minute wonders. Many of these techniques are ways of working effectively with small parts of the whole problem so that you can start making some progress. The whole problem may take some time and effort to solve.
You can find out more about the tapping toolkit book here.
Note: There are e-book formats and the book has also been translated into French, German and Spanish, however this offer is only valid for the English language paperback book.