How To Flip Your Limiting Beliefs With EFT

The Belief Flip is a simple EFT process for neutralising many types of limiting beliefs quickly and easily.
One such limiting belief might be: ‘I will always be poor’.
In standard EFT you could use several approaches to soften or neutralise this belief:
- Persistent tapping on the belief statement to reduce the charge over time.
- Investigate the events that led up to the formation of this belief, neutralising each memory with the movie technique until the belief has collapsed.
- Use some clever reframing in your tapping to verbally loosen the belief’s hold.
The Belief Flip is a simple reframing pattern that you can use on many types of belief. It will typically neutralise the belief with just one or two rounds of tapping. It might take a little bit of effort to fully ‘get’ the pattern at first, but it is worth it.
This process works by stretching the limiting belief so far out of shape during the tapping that it can not come back into its original form. It works well with beliefs that involve permissions and black and white thinking. These beliefs often start with:
- I always / I never … ‘I am always late’
- I can / I can’t … ‘I can’t control my eating’
- I am / I am not … ‘I am not allowed to be happy’
- I must / I must not … ‘I must be in control’
- Nobody / Everybody … ‘Nobody loves me’
The Belief Flip works by taking the belief statement, splitting it into two pieces, flipping the meaning of both pieces to create a set of four phrases that are tapped on, in sequence, to neutralise the original belief.
For example: each of these beliefs can be split into two parts
- I am always | late
- I can’t | control my eating
- I am not allowed | to be happy
- I must | be in control
- Nobody | loves me
Both parts of the belief will have an opposite: a ‘flip-side’
‘I am always’ flips to ‘I am never’, ’late’ flips to ‘on time’
‘Nobody | loves me’ - ’nobody’, flips to ’everybody’, ’loves me’, might flip to ‘hates me’.
‘I am not allowed | to be happy’ - the flip-side of ‘I am not allowed’ is ‘I am allowed’, the flip-side of ’to be happy’ might be ’to be serious’.
The full Belief Flip process for the belief ‘I will always be poor’ might go something like this:
Split the belief ‘I will always | be poor’ into its parts, flip them, then recombine the pieces to get the following tapping sequence.
Tap on each of the acupressure points using these statements:
- EB: I will always be poor
- SE: I will never be rich
- UE: I will never be poor
- UN: I will always be rich
( repeat the process with the other remaining points)
- CH: I will always be poor
- CB: I will never be rich
- UA: I will never be poor
- TH: I will always be rich
The Part That Makes The Difference
The first flip is usually straightforward, however the second flip needs to be the opposite meaning the client gives to that part of the belief.
For example:
‘I must | be in control’
‘I must’ flips to ‘I must not’
Depending on the client’s point of view the flip-side or opposite of ‘in control’ could be:
- ‘relaxed’
- ‘flexible’
- ‘balanced’
- …
It’s up to the client to choose their flip-side of the original meaning. This will make the process much more powerful
Identify the belief. E.g. ‘I must be in control’. Say it out loud to get a sense of how true it is on a 0-10 scale.
Split the belief into its two parts and ask the client what the opposite of the second part of the belief is for them.
Remember: the opposite needs to be their opposite not yours. The client decides how to flip that part. In this example, they have chosen ‘be relaxed’ as their flip-side to ‘be in control’.
Build the list of the four reminder phrases (do this on paper at first, because it can be a bit confusing until you get used to the pattern).
1st - The original limiting belief - ‘I must | be in control’
2nd - Flip both parts of the original belief. - ‘I must not | be relaxed’
3rd - Keep the flipped first part of the belief and add the second half of the original belief -‘I must not | be in control’
4th - The original belief with the second half flipped - ‘I must | be relaxed.’
- Tap through the statements on a separate acupressure point and repeat the sequence of four to tap on the eight points of a full round. (There is no set-up statement required).
EB: I must be in control
SE: I must not be relaxed
UE: I must not be in control
UN: I must be relaxed
CH: I must be in control
CB: I must not be relaxed
UA: I must not be in control
TH: I must be relaxed
- Check the intensity of the original belief. If there is still a charge on it, rinse and repeat. It may be that the tapping brings up some other issues that need to be worked on.
Note: It’s possible that one or more of the statements will have a charge on them, or get a charge on them, when you start tapping. If that happens, tap out the excess charge on that particular statement and start the Belief Flip again.
You may find after the Belief Flip that the ‘flipped belief’ hasn’t been taken on, that’s fine, the Belief Flip is intended to neutralise the limiting belief rather than install an alternative.
Here are some more examples of Belief Flips:
I am not allowed to be happy
I am allowed to be miserable
I am not allowed to be miserable
I am allowed to be happy
Nobody loves me
Everybody hates me
Nobody hates me
Everybody loves me
If your belief is the result of traumatic, or multiple incidents of trauma or abuse this process probably won’t be enough to undo the belief. You may need extensive work with EFT or other modalities to take care of those experiences before you can use the Belief Flip on your beliefs.
Image by Michael Bryant-Mode from Pixabay