Fear of flying (not)
It’s always nice to hear how clients are doing. Especially when you are working with fears, you can tap away in your office on all the aspects of the fear and anxieties about whatever it is: fear of flying, or fear of medical procedures, in the hope of neutralising it all. However, until they’ve gone and done whatever it is in the real world you just don’t know for sure that it’s going to work. So it’s very rewarding to get an email like this from someone who used to suffer from fear of flying.
I used the techniques and they had a huge impact on the lowering of my fear of flying. I used the head/eye/ face tapping on the days before the flights and the more subtle tapping in the departure lounges! It really helped. Did the 11hr flight to LA pretty calmly. No major churning stomach at all. After that the two shorter flights ( still 6 or 7 hrs each!) seemed more of a breeze. I even ENJOYED ( shock horror!) the flight from the west coast to the east as I had a window seat and could see the magnificent contours and colours of the desert, followed by the Rockies, followed by endless miles of prairies before arriving in the more built up east coast .
Have actually just returned from a quick visit to Belfast and a very short 40 mins flight both ways, and felt chilled out both times..
Thank you so much Andy. You’re a star. Will keep working on the technique as and when I need it.
What I particularly like about this is the last line. ‘Will keep working on the technique as and when I need it’. That’s the spirit! In my opinion EFT is as much about training someone how to use it for themselves as to ’treat’ someone. I love it when someone takes that on board - literally in this case.