My good friend Nigel Hetherington has come up with a simple set of questions to help you soften self imposed limitations.
Andy Smith of Practical EQ has written an excellent summary of ways to choose an NLP Practitioner course that’s right for you.
NLP can be very effective in changing the way we think and feel about situations.
NLP Comprehensive is one of the world’s longest running NLP* training organisations.
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts.
This is a very popular question with my clients. It’s understandable, they have a problem they want solved and they are having to pay for my time.
The Meta Model is the founding model of NLP. It’s a way of querying the information you are getting from a client, colleague, student … in fact anyone who you are communicating with.
This article from Charlie Badenhop nicely illustrates one of the fundamental aspects of NLP, which is that we think about things in different ways based on or sensory preferences.