Keeping Your Soul Alive I’m very pleased to announce that Practical Wellbeing is sponsoring a workshop in Newcastle upon Tyne in May 2011 by well known therapist and author Bill O’Hanlon.
It’s just two weeks to The Geography Of Possibilities Workshop in Newcastle with Bill O’Hanlon.
This is a video segment of a longer interview with Tal Ben-Shahar a Harvard lecturer and researcher in Positive Psychology (the psychology of what is right with us and how to get more of that).
This is a preview to a new documentary about Milton H Erickson - The Wizard Of The Desert.
As you can see there is a different look and feel to the Practical Wellbeing website.
I just read a short article Fear of Apples by Seth Godin.
Masha Bennett a skilled EFT and NLP practitioner is running courses for people who would like to use EFT in their work with addictions.
According to my sniffling and coughing friends there’s a ‘bug going around’.