A big thank you to Michaela Thiede who read a copy of my [Flipping Beliefs With EFT]({{ ref “/blog/flipping-beliefs-with-eft” >}}) article and very kindly offered to translate it into German.
I was talking with a knowledgeable friend about how people choose therapists or counsellors to work with from so many options.
An excellent video from TheProfessorFunk about the weird and wonderful world of placebos.
This is probably one of the most informative and useful adverts you’ll ever see.
I’ve written a free 49 page ebook called “7 steps to more wellbeing” containing seven processes that you can use to feel better about yourself and life general.
Imagine that you have travelled forward in time. It is New Year’s Eve 2011, the end of another year and you are in a reflective mood.
A fascinating TED Talk by Brene Brown about The Power of Vulnerability
The Nuer and the Dinka tribes of southern Sudan share an unusual custom.