In last month’s EFT Cafe practice group we worked on a process designed to undo the procrastinating power of shoulds.
This is a short video from the Introduction To EFT workshop I presented at Autumn 2011 ChangeCamp in Newcastle
‘Compound interest arises when interest is added to the principal, so that from that moment on, the interest that has been added also itself earns interest.
Let’s imagine that, like someone in a strong man contest, you are harnessed to an invisible 10 tonne truck.
Do you have things that you should do? Many people have to do lists that are packed with things they should do that get done very reluctantly or don’t get done at all
If you think you can, or you think you can’t - you’re right"
Part of my work with people involves helping them free themselves from old identities, ideas and feelings about themselves that are no longer useful.
A big thank you to Michaela Thiede who read a copy of my [Flipping Beliefs With EFT]({{ ref “/blog/flipping-beliefs-with-eft” >}}) article and very kindly offered to translate it into German.