From an article in Science Daily, reviewing research into psychological approaches to chronic back pain.
Dr Tom Flowers in an emergency physician (A&E doctor if you’re in Britain) in Texas.
This morning I was driving along a busy section of the road past Gateshead.
If you’ve never experienced EFT it sounds far too silly to have any effect so I’ve been searching around on Google Video and You Tube for examples of EFT.
I’ve been experimenting this week with a little addition to the Quickie Covert EFT first suggested by Charlie Curtis.
I’ve been thinking recently about the problems with problems. How what seems like a simple situation that could easily be resolved with EFT or NLP seems to be much more stubborn than it should be.
My granddad used to have a barometer hanging in the hallway.
I was driving into Newcastle the other day when a car travelling in the opposite direction pulled across me to turn into a side street.