
    Training - Special Offer Just For 'Tappers' Who Want To Heal The 'Inner Child'

    Training - Special Offer Just For 'Tappers' Who Want To Heal The 'Inner Child'

    27 Jan 2015

    As you may know I’ve been developing a collection of processes I call Identity Healing since 2010 as a way of working with entrenched patterns of emotion and behaviour that are often installed during childhood.

    The 1% Solution: an easy way to make big changes

    The 1% Solution: an easy way to make big changes

    23 Jan 2015

    If you are suffering from stress, anxiety, frustrations and limitations you probably want that to change, to change quickly and to change completely.

    The Origami Process

    The Origami Process

    16 Nov 2014

    Sometimes how we feel about things is complicated, especially when those feelings are painful.

    Compassionate EFT

    Compassionate EFT

    22 Oct 2014

    In every painful situation, there are two sorts of suffering.

    Tapping Into Our Shadow

    Tapping Into Our Shadow

    23 Aug 2014

    A man was walking home late one night when he saw the Mulla Nasrudin searching under a street light on hands and knees for something on the ground.

    Healing Self Blame Through Tapping

    Healing Self Blame Through Tapping

    21 Jul 2014

    If you burnt the toast this morning as you were making breakfast you could say that you blamed yourself for the mistake.

    To Heal And Be Healed For The Common Good

    To Heal And Be Healed For The Common Good

    21 Jul 2014

    heal (verb) : Old English hælan ‘cure; save; make whole, sound and well,’ from Proto-Germanic hailjan, literally ‘to make whole’

    Tapping Into Patience

    Tapping Into Patience

    01 Jul 2014

    Life is like a vast landscape with both soft grass and sharp thorns; impatience rails against the thorns, patience puts on shoes