Last weekend I’ve been enjoying the delights of a cold, although I must confess I haven’t enjoyed them that much.
The Mind Hacks site pointed me to this excellent series of radio programs first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 a few years ago.
Now that I’ve told everyone that I’m running the Great North Run (GNR), I suppose I actually need to get started with the training.
This is the startling introduction to an article on the prescription of amphetamines to ‘treat’ ADHD in the US.
In a recent EFT training in Aberdeen someone asked me if EFT was effective for PTSD.
A rather sobering article, absence makes the heart grow weaker, in the New Scientist points to the health effects of lonliness in later life.
“For a long time it has seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life.
Nick Kemp’s Adventures of Wellbeing Now is an excellent deep relaxation / trance experience.