
    The Happiness Formula

    The Happiness Formula

    04 May 2006

    I’ve just watched introductory episode of “The Happiness Formula” on BBC2, a series investigating what makes us happy and how happiness is being investigated by science.

    The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things

    The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things

    02 May 2006

    An interesting podcast on ITConversations, Dr Larry Dossey talks about some of the themes of his book: The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things.

    Quickie Covert EFT

    Quickie Covert EFT

    30 Apr 2006

    This excellent EFT tip comes courtesy of Charlie Curtis of the Art Of NLP Yahoo newsgroup.

    To tap or not to tap

    To tap or not to tap

    28 Apr 2006

    A came across this elegant summary of perenial problem To tap or not to tap,

    Emotional dumbing down

    Emotional dumbing down

    25 Apr 2006

    Andy Smith, an expert in NLP and Emotional Intelligence, has written an excellent article on dumbing down in British culture.

    Stress and overeating

    Stress and overeating

    25 Apr 2006

    Just in case you hadn’t realised, it’s official: stress can cause you to overeat!

    Good Foundations

    Good Foundations

    22 Apr 2006

    The builder behind the Bodywork Centre was taking great care laying paving stones as I watched him mixing the sand and cement, moving it to just the right level.

    Avoiding negative influences

    Avoiding negative influences

    21 Apr 2006

    Most people would agree that negative thinking isn’t good for you.