
    The problem with problems

    The problem with problems

    06 Nov 2006

    I’ve been thinking recently about the problems with problems. How what seems like a simple situation that could easily be resolved with EFT or NLP seems to be much more stubborn than it should be.

    Did you know?

    Did you know?

    04 Nov 2006

    What’s the difference between a psychologist and a magician? A psychologist pulls habits out of rats

    Grandad's Barometer

    Grandad's Barometer

    20 Oct 2006

    My granddad used to have a barometer hanging in the hallway.

    Driving stress ....

    Driving stress ....

    15 Oct 2006

    I was driving into Newcastle the other day when a car travelling in the opposite direction pulled across me to turn into a side street.

    Hello again

    Hello again

    09 Oct 2006

    It’s been a while since I last posted, I’ve been kinda busy.

    Fame at last?

    Fame at last?

    26 Sep 2006

    Imagine my suprise to find myself mentioned in an excellent blog I’ve been following for a couple of months.

    I'm looking forward to ... doing my taxes!

    I'm looking forward to ... doing my taxes!

    25 Sep 2006

    I’m sometimes prone to procrastination. Give me an unpleasant or tedious task and I can sit on it for weeks, or months, or ….

    Quantum theory proves ... or, not!

    Quantum theory proves ... or, not!

    15 Sep 2006

    Richard Petty, an English doctor, now living and working in the USA writes an informative and entertaining blog covering just about everything.