
    Friendly fire?

    Friendly fire?

    01 Dec 2006

    I overheard this at the tail end of an increasingly strained conversation between two women sitting next to me in a coffee bar.

    Life in the slow lane

    Life in the slow lane

    29 Nov 2006

    This morning I was driving along a busy section of the road past Gateshead.

    Meridian Therapy on Video

    Meridian Therapy on Video

    27 Nov 2006

    If you’ve never experienced EFT it sounds far too silly to have any effect so I’ve been searching around on Google Video and You Tube for examples of EFT.

    Mindfulness the Movie

    Mindfulness the Movie

    24 Nov 2006

    OK, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. What I’ve found is a Google Video talk by Jon Kabat-Zinn who’s work in using mindfulness meditation, and excellent book ‘Wherever you go, there you are’, I’ve mentioned before.

    Jumping to the wrong conclusions

    Jumping to the wrong conclusions

    20 Nov 2006

    A few days ago I was waiting to be served at my favourite coffee shop in Hexham.



    14 Nov 2006

    WonderCafe a fascinating site by The United Church of Canada has a very engaging website including a theological squirrel and a remarkable series of adverts.

    Covert EFT + Mindfulness of Breathing

    Covert EFT + Mindfulness of Breathing

    13 Nov 2006

    I’ve been experimenting this week with a little addition to the Quickie Covert EFT first suggested by Charlie Curtis.

    Helping others

    Helping others

    09 Nov 2006

    We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know!