
    Coffee shop suffering

    Coffee shop suffering

    03 Apr 2007

    In my favourite coffee bar you need to stand in line to be served, then you can find your seat; if you are alone that is.



    29 Mar 2007

    People never think of happiness as a way of being because they are thinking of pleasure, which depends on circumstances.

    Learning Styles And "True Love"

    Learning Styles And "True Love"

    27 Mar 2007

    This article from Charlie Badenhop nicely illustrates one of the fundamental aspects of NLP, which is that we think about things in different ways based on or sensory preferences.

    Different points of view

    Different points of view

    14 Mar 2007

    To her lover a beautiful woman is a delight;

    Being perfect

    Being perfect

    08 Mar 2007

    During one of the EFT Cafe meetings a friend and I were discussing the problem of having to be perfect.



    27 Feb 2007

    I just finished presenting a two session stress reduction course last night for the Durham Women’s Cancer Support Group.

    Sleeping your way to understanding

    Sleeping your way to understanding

    22 Feb 2007

    An interesting article in the New Scientist: While you slumber, your brain puts the world in order notes that during sleep we don’t only strengthen our memories but we also extract themes and rules from the masses of information we soak up during the day.

    Fear of flying (not)

    Fear of flying (not)

    20 Feb 2007

    It’s always nice to hear how clients are doing. Especially when you are working with fears, you can tap away in your office on all the aspects of the fear and anxieties about whatever it is: fear of flying, or fear of medical procedures, in the hope of neutralising it all.