
    Miracle cure or inner gardening?

    Miracle cure or inner gardening?

    15 May 2007

    Wouldn’t it be nice if we could use a technique like a magic wand, do a ‘Harry Potter’ on our woes and banish them for good with a simple spell?

    The trouble with certainty

    The trouble with certainty

    14 May 2007

    “A young widower, who loved his five year old son very much, was away on business when bandits came who burned down the whole village and took his son away.

    Moving Through Resistance

    Moving Through Resistance

    08 May 2007

    Another stimulating post from Bill O’Hanlon’s Possibilities Newsletter about a subject I’m all to familiar with: resistance.

    How to make the best of a pain in the neck

    How to make the best of a pain in the neck

    07 May 2007

    Here’s a little exercise that you might like to try out if there is someone in your life who rubs you up the wrong way (if there is only one, congratulations!

    It's all in the mind

    It's all in the mind

    05 May 2007

    The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n

    Using EFT to relax

    Using EFT to relax

    01 May 2007

    Dr Pat Carrington has come up with an simple way to use EFT as a relaxation technique.

    Depression and diabetes

    Depression and diabetes

    28 Apr 2007

    In a study from Northwestern University reported that depression may cause diabetes in some elderly patients.

    The Panic Room

    The Panic Room

    23 Apr 2007

    I just watched The Panic Room on BBC 3, it’s a documentary about a ‘radical’ way of treating extreme phobias.