
    The Psychology of Doing Good (and the pathology of hostility)

    The Psychology of Doing Good (and the pathology of hostility)

    12 Aug 2007

    In another excellent podcast from Shrink Rap Radio Dr David Van Nuys interviewed Dr Steven Post about the value of unselfish love.

    Nasrudin and the Book

    Nasrudin and the Book

    09 Aug 2007

    While on a trip to another village, Nasrudin lost his favorite copy of the Qur’an.

    How to choose an NLP Practitioner course?

    How to choose an NLP Practitioner course?

    08 Aug 2007

    Andy Smith of Practical EQ has written an excellent summary of ways to choose an NLP Practitioner course that’s right for you.

    NLP Solitaire

    NLP Solitaire

    07 Aug 2007

    NLP can be very effective in changing the way we think and feel about situations.

    EFT in Showbiz

    EFT in Showbiz

    02 Aug 2007

    I guess you know when you’re getting somewhere when EFT starts appearing in comedies.

    Helpful advice on helping

    Helpful advice on helping

    31 Jul 2007

    If One Is Truly to Succeed in Leading a Person to a Specific Place, One Must First and Foremost Take Care to Find Him Where He is and Begin There.

    Oscar the cat

    Oscar the cat

    30 Jul 2007

    This is the first time I’ve ever read an article in the New England Journal of Medicine.

    Traumatic memories

    Traumatic memories

    30 Jul 2007

    An article in the New Scientist reports on a research project about how we might be genetically predisposed to remember intense experiences.