
    Thought for the day

    Thought for the day

    31 Aug 2008

    Nothing is miserable unless you think it so; and on the other hand, nothing brings happiness unless you are content with it.

    A trip to the dentist

    A trip to the dentist

    29 Jul 2008

    Thursday 10:30 pm Tomorrow I’m going to the dentist for a filling and scale and polish.

    EFT on the TV news

    EFT on the TV news

    28 Jul 2008

    The BBC Midland’s Today local news programme aired this short piece about how a former dancer used EFT to overcome ME.

    Shhhh! The Movie

    Shhhh! The Movie

    02 Jul 2008

    If you are a serious fan of The Secret then I suggest that you don’t visit Guru You University and watch ‘Shhhh!

    Mind your head

    Mind your head

    24 Jun 2008

    Ready for my second cappucino I walked downstairs at Costa’s ducking below the low beam.

    Garden for Happiness

    Garden for Happiness

    23 Jun 2008

    The warmer weather prompts me to repost this article by my good friend Masha Bennett

    NLP Allergy Process

    NLP Allergy Process

    23 Jun 2008

    Both NLP and EFT have processes for resolving allergies through ‘psychological’ means.

    Counting your blessings

    Counting your blessings

    17 Jun 2008

    When I was growing up my Mum and Dad often used to say to us: “You should count your blessings”.