
    The Problem With Learning EFT

    The Problem With Learning EFT

    11 Dec 2008

    There’s a problem with learning EFT at a Beginner’s EFT or EFT Level 1 training or some other informal introduction.

    Reasons to be cheerful

    Reasons to be cheerful

    09 Dec 2008

    According to my sniffling and coughing friends there’s a ‘bug going around’.

    10 Good Reasons To Join An EFT Practice Group

    10 Good Reasons To Join An EFT Practice Group

    04 Dec 2008

    Use it, or loose it: If you have been on a training, or seen an EFT practitioner, you know that EFT can get you surprising results.

    Framing Revisited

    Framing Revisited

    04 Dec 2008

    A little while ago in Framing the debate: bail out or rescue I mentioned an article on the BBC News website how the debate about financial aid given by governments to banks (and just about everyone else now) is being framed by the words used.

    Self Propelled EFT

    Self Propelled EFT

    18 Nov 2008

    Last week I had the pleasure in meeting an unusual group of EFTers at the EFT Cafe practice group.

    The Fallen

    The Fallen

    16 Nov 2008

    I’ve just finished watching The Fallen a 3 hour film on BBC 2 about the 300+ British servicemen and women killed in Iraq and Afganistan since the ‘War on Terror’.

    The War of the Worlds

    The War of the Worlds

    14 Nov 2008

    On the night of October 30th 1938 tens of thousands of Americans listening to the radio were convinced that they were being invaded by Martians.

    EFT for PTSD

    EFT for PTSD

    11 Nov 2008

    This is a segment of a video produced by Gary Craig the founder of EFT about using EFT for the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.