
    The Incredible Shrinking Syringe

    The Incredible Shrinking Syringe

    05 Sep 2009

    A client of mine is undergoing chemotherapy. Every three weeks she gets injections of three drugs into a drip line inserted into the wrist.

    Cold comfort

    Cold comfort

    10 Mar 2009

    We trained hard, but just as we were beginning to form up into teams, we would be reorganised.

    Changing the world

    Changing the world

    05 Feb 2009

    “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

    EFT for Addictions Course

    EFT for Addictions Course

    19 Jan 2009

    Masha Bennett a skilled EFT and NLP practitioner is running courses for people who would like to use EFT in their work with addictions.

    Language In Action

    Language In Action

    18 Jan 2009

    My good friend Nigel Hetherington of Communicating Excellence is sponsoring a Language in Action training in Newcastle with Christina Hall one of the founders of NLP.

    New Years Clarifications: Part 2

    New Years Clarifications: Part 2

    15 Jan 2009

    Image by Lincolnian via Flickr Sorting the wheat from the chaff Values aren’t created equal.

    Quote of the day

    Quote of the day

    03 Jan 2009

    “May all your problems last as long as your New Year’s resolutions.

    New Year Clarifications

    New Year Clarifications

    31 Dec 2008

    Image by Jessica Bee via Flickr It’s the season of New Year’s Resolutions.