During the Geography of Possibilities workshop in Newcastle Bill O’Hanlon told the following story.
I have a photograph of my father, face filled with annoyance, tapping the side of his head in the traditional ‘this person is mad’ gesture.
One of the archetypal stereotypes of a student house is a pile of washing up.
It’s just two weeks to The Geography Of Possibilities Workshop in Newcastle with Bill O’Hanlon.
This is a video segment of a longer interview with Tal Ben-Shahar a Harvard lecturer and researcher in Positive Psychology (the psychology of what is right with us and how to get more of that).
This is a preview to a new documentary about Milton H Erickson - The Wizard Of The Desert.
There are three broad ways that people try to change their lives.
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness concious.