
    The Curse Of Premature Reassurance

    The Curse Of Premature Reassurance

    14 Feb 2011

    You probably cut yourself when you were a kid. Maybe you fell off your bike, or stepped barefoot on broken glass.

    Do you have more negative emotions than you need?

    Do you have more negative emotions than you need?

    13 Feb 2011

    Do you ever get a bad feeling you can’t shake off?

    Dissolving Identity Beliefs - Presentation

    Dissolving Identity Beliefs - Presentation

    08 Feb 2011

    This is a ‘slidecast’ of my talk about Dissolving Unhelpful Identity Beliefs presented at the EFT Gathering at Ilkely in January 2011.

    Do You Need A Little Drop of Kindness?

    Do You Need A Little Drop of Kindness?

    05 Feb 2011

    The ‘Little Drop Of Kindness’ process takes advantage of our natural ability to feel compassionate towards other beings and applies it to ourselves.

    Help With Negative Self Talk - Steve Andreas

    Help With Negative Self Talk - Steve Andreas

    24 Jan 2011

    This is probably one of the most informative and useful adverts you’ll ever see.

    7 Steps To More Wellbeing

    7 Steps To More Wellbeing

    21 Jan 2011

    I’ve written a free 49 page ebook called “7 steps to more wellbeing” containing seven processes that you can use to feel better about yourself and life general.

    New Year Reflections

    New Year Reflections

    01 Jan 2011

    Imagine that you have travelled forward in time. It is New Year’s Eve 2011, the end of another year and you are in a reflective mood.

    The Power Of Vulnerability

    The Power Of Vulnerability

    28 Dec 2010

    A fascinating TED Talk by Brene Brown about The Power of Vulnerability