
    Belief Flip in German

    Belief Flip in German

    16 Jul 2011

    A big thank you to Michaela Thiede who read a copy of my [Flipping Beliefs With EFT]({{ ref “/blog/flipping-beliefs-with-eft” >}}) article and very kindly offered to translate it into German.

    How To Neutralise Limiting Beliefs With Exception Tapping

    How To Neutralise Limiting Beliefs With Exception Tapping

    15 Jul 2011

    We need beliefs, they are a simplification, a rule of thumb about how the world works and what things mean.

    Choose A Therapist You Can Be Uncomfortable With

    Choose A Therapist You Can Be Uncomfortable With

    14 Jul 2011

    I was talking with a knowledgeable friend about how people choose therapists or counsellors to work with from so many options.

    3 Perspectives Tapping

    3 Perspectives Tapping

    07 Jul 2011

    Somebody once observed that 90% of our problems talk back.

    Are you having trouble with your identities?

    Are you having trouble with your identities?

    20 Jun 2011

    Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself; (I am large, I contain multitudes.

    Have You Decided To Be Free?

    Have You Decided To Be Free?

    16 Jun 2011

    A short while ago I was running an AAMET EFT Level 1 training in Newcastle and one of the participants asked me a question I’ve never been asked before.

    A Simple, Portable Pick-Me-Up

    A Simple, Portable Pick-Me-Up

    14 Jun 2011

    One way of thinking of these cards is as though they are an emotional snap shot album of all your best moments.

    What's your true value?

    What's your true value?

    01 Jun 2011

    Many people accept what they have been told about themselves. If it’s been complementary and supportive then it’s easy to think well of yourself.