
    Life is 10% of what happens to me, 90% of how I react to it

    Life is 10% of what happens to me, 90% of how I react to it

    14 Jan 2012

    The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

    How To Find Your Limiting Beliefs With Just One Word!

    How To Find Your Limiting Beliefs With Just One Word!

    11 Jan 2012

    Our limiting beliefs are a problem, not because they are hard to change, but because they are hard to find.

    I Hate My Taxes - EFT For Task Aversion

    I Hate My Taxes - EFT For Task Aversion

    10 Jan 2012

    Important: This is not a rant about the iniquities of taxation (there are lots of places to read about that), but how to I used EFT to get over some of my resistance to doing the chores of filling out a tax return.

    Changing Limiting Beliefs - The Belief Flip - Audio Presentation

    Changing Limiting Beliefs - The Belief Flip - Audio Presentation

    05 Jan 2012

    I’ve just completed this audio presentation about the EFT Belief Flip process I created a while ago to quickly neutralise limiting beliefs.

    The 7 Habits Of Change

    The 7 Habits Of Change

    01 Jan 2012

    ‘First we make our habits, then our habits make us.

    5 Reasons New Year Resolutions Don't Work

    5 Reasons New Year Resolutions Don't Work

    31 Dec 2011

    After the season of goodwill, it’s the season of self denial and resolution.

    Festive Greetings In Latin

    Festive Greetings In Latin

    24 Dec 2011

    I hope you enjoy this little taste of the spirit of Christmas from an age before advertising and crass commercialism.

    Getting Out Of Your Own Way - The Book

    Getting Out Of Your Own Way - The Book

    16 Dec 2011

    At long last, I finally finished the Getting Out Of Your Own ebook and book.