
    How To Use EFT To Soften Unpleasant Memories

    How To Use EFT To Soften Unpleasant Memories

    13 Mar 2012

    In How To Use EFT To Solve Everyday Problems I described some of the difficulties people who are new to EFT have knowing where to start when they want to tackle a problem.

    Does EFT work by distraction?

    Does EFT work by distraction?

    27 Feb 2012

    When I have demonstrated EFT to a new client or a group of trainees and they have softened a memory or neutralised a bad feeling, they start to look around for an explanation, something to account for the way their feelings changed abruptly.

    How To Use EFT To Solve Everyday Problems

    How To Use EFT To Solve Everyday Problems

    19 Feb 2012

    EFT is a great tool for self-help, easily clearing unhelpful emotional responses to life’s little (and not so little) difficulties.

    EFT Practitioner's Handbook Of Addiction, Self-Harm & Eating Disorders

    EFT Practitioner's Handbook Of Addiction, Self-Harm & Eating Disorders

    15 Feb 2012

    This small book is a brief, but thorough, introduction to working with addictions, self-harm and eating disorders, by Masha Bennett, a UKCP Registered Psychotherapist and AAMET Practitioner and Trainer

    The Room Of A Thousand Demons

    The Room Of A Thousand Demons

    11 Feb 2012

    Bill O’Hanlon on the value of keeping going. I’m embarrassed to admit I used to read those Lobsang T Rampa (the fake lama) books as well.

    How To Cope With Your Client's "Stuff"

    How To Cope With Your Client's "Stuff"

    07 Feb 2012

    In my recent article ‘Is your client poisoning you?’ I wrote about the potential interactions between client and therapist and said

    How To Realise It's Not Just You

    How To Realise It's Not Just You

    06 Feb 2012

    Back in the 1970’s I had an important realisation. At the time I was a student in Nottingham University.

    Is Your Client Poisoning You?

    Is Your Client Poisoning You?

    05 Feb 2012

    “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so” - Hamlet, W.