
    Are You Hanging On To Old Wounds?

    Are You Hanging On To Old Wounds?

    22 Aug 2012

    A man walks into a bar with an arrow sticking out of his chest.

    Why Should I Bother Learning EFT?

    Why Should I Bother Learning EFT?

    31 Jul 2012

    We all have lots of things to do, so many demands on our time and resources.

    The Ping Pong EFT Process

    The Ping Pong EFT Process

    30 Jul 2012

    Have you noticed that a lot of our stressful situations are repetitive?

    How To Lose Your Negative Emotions By Choosing Them

    How To Lose Your Negative Emotions By Choosing Them

    25 Jul 2012

    “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.

    The Wisdom Of X-Ray Specs

    The Wisdom Of X-Ray Specs

    16 Jul 2012

    You know the stress response don’t you? Someone says something, does something or even just looks at you in a particular way and your anxiety level shoots up.

    How to find the silver lining in life's mishaps

    How to find the silver lining in life's mishaps

    17 Jun 2012

    You may have noticed that life isn’t always a bed of roses.

    Why Understanding Your Problems Is Not The Same As Solving Them

    Why Understanding Your Problems Is Not The Same As Solving Them

    17 May 2012

    I am amazed how many people think it is more important to know about the problem rather than do something about it.

    EFT really is evidence based ... well not yet

    EFT really is evidence based ... well not yet

    14 May 2012

    Update Shortly after posting this, Steve Wells and Helen Walker (bless their hearts) emailed to let me know I had got it wrong (as usual by not reading the small print).