
    Relationships: The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

    Relationships: The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse

    15 Mar 2013

    In this short and powerful video John Gottman describes the sure-fire attitudes and behaviours that mess up personal relationships.

    Greater Self-Acceptance In 3 Parts

    Greater Self-Acceptance In 3 Parts

    12 Mar 2013

    Many people struggle to accept themselves, some people even hate themselves.

    Paradoxical Tapping

    Paradoxical Tapping

    23 Feb 2013

    The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth.

    Who do you want them to become?

    Who do you want them to become?

    15 Feb 2013

    Seth Godin is one of my favourite authors. He is an American business writer, but don’t let that title put you off.

    Are Your Adjectives Holding You Back?

    Are Your Adjectives Holding You Back?

    17 Jan 2013

    The beginning of January is typically the season of setting resolutions and trying to do something different.

    The 7 Problems Of Miracle Cures

    The 7 Problems Of Miracle Cures

    14 Jan 2013

    We have a love affair with miracles. Most of us have been brought up on a diet of miracles in our fairy stories, our religious traditions and popular culture.

    How To Take Advantage Of A Lifetime's Personal Development Experience

    How To Take Advantage Of A Lifetime's Personal Development Experience

    11 Jan 2013

    I’ve always been interested in personal change and development. I’ve been to encounter groups, Gestalt workshops, meditation retreats and trained in all sorts of different ways of improving the way I felt about myself and my life.

    Mr Rogers On Seeing The Newtown News Differently

    Mr Rogers On Seeing The Newtown News Differently

    19 Dec 2012

    After the recent traumatic events in Newtown, Connecticut it would be easy to lose hope under the weight of media coverage.