Lots of people who learn EFT are impressed that it can handle large emotional issues with grace and speed.
Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.
Tend to the moments, and the years will take care of themselves.
I’ve just been listening to a recording of a talk about “Focusing”, a therapeutic technique that came out of research done by one of Carl Rogers' colleagues Eugene Gendlin.
Do you feel resistance to change? If you have used EFT / Tapping for any length of time you will probably know that some thoughts feelings and behaviours can be difficult to shift.
In How Our Words Make Us Stuck And What To Do About It I described how we have a tendency to turn the fluid processes of life into solid mental objects.
People often feel stuck. Stuck with a problem, not able to change the way that they think, feel or act because they are depressed, or their relationship is broken, or they can’t overcome their resistance.
Lots of people are hard on themselves. Some people are very hard on themselves.