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Practical Wellbeing

As a therapist

I work with people who feel emotionally broken, who have not yet been able to change, and who may even blame or hate themselves for it.

Some people grow up in difficult families. Even though they are now grown up and their childhood is far away, they may still feel there is something wrong with what they think, how they feel, and how they act in the world.

I help my clients repair their emotional wounds so that their past struggles are no longer running their current lives, they are less at war with themselves, and they can become an ever more whole and capable person, at ease with themselves and others.

“I came to Andy with what seemed to be a messy ball of stubborn issues that would not budge, even after trying everything I could think of to fix them over the years.

With Andy’s guidance, patience and unjudgemental attitude I have slowly started to unravel the messy ball one thread at a time and healed the deep issues from my childhood that have held these issues in place.”

– Natalie

To find out more go to Personal Therapy

As a trainer and mentor

After 15 years as an EFT International Master Trainer, and as the creator of the Identity Healing® processes, I train and mentor helping professionals in the advanced processes and approaches that I use with my clients to heal their deep emotional wounds.

As an EFT International Approved Mentor, I offer supervision and mentoring for coaches, therapists, counsellors, and others who are using EFT in their professional roles.

I am also an approved mentor for trainees and practitioners of IEP (Intention Tapping).

If you are a tapping practitioner who wants to learn from my 20+ years of professional experience have a look at my free monthly email newsletter for practitioners.

As someone who uses these processes to help himself

As someone who has used EFT and NLP for my own personal development, I like to share some of the approaches and techniques I have used to feel happier in myself with people who are committed to their own personal development.

I’ve written two books, Getting Out Of Your Own Way and The Tapping Toolkit, about using tapping for both practitioners and self-help.

Andy Hunt

I have been working as a therapist since 2002. Like many therapists, I was drawn to the issues that affected me personally, so I specialise in helping people who didn’t feel good enough as children and still don’t feel good enough now to change the way they think, feel, and act so they can be kinder to the person they are and become the person they want to be.

As the creator and lead trainer of the ‘Identity Healing’ processes, I train and mentor people in the helping professions to add these advanced tapping techniques to their therapeutic toolkits.

After 15 years as an EFT International Master Trainer and Approved Mentor, I support EFT Practitioners in using their skills in their professional work.

I am also a mentor for practitioners of the ‘Intention Energy Processes’ AKA Intention Tapping, developed by Steve Wells.

Finally, as someone who has used these processes for my own personal development, I would like to share some of the approaches and techniques I have used with people who are committed to their own self-development.

I am making this journey myself …

For a very long time, I had the feeling that I wasn’t good enough. I often felt a subtle undertow of shame and a need to avoid disapproval, and sometimes I had to pretend to feel OK.

It wasn’t crippling; I got by well enough, but it wasn’t much fun either.

Although I didn’t fully understand what was going on, I did realise that suffering was overrated and wanted to do something about it.

Since I left school (a very long time ago), I have tried many different forms of self-help and inner work, including counselling, meditation, NLP, EFT, hypnotherapy, and a host of other techniques and approaches to become more self-accepting and resourceful.

After a lot of learning, I started to become the person I always wanted to be (it is, and probably always will be, a work in progress).

Along the way, I reached the point where I wanted to help others achieve the same kind of results I was getting.

In 2002, after a lot of training, I started working professionally with people, providing therapy and training to help change the way they think and feel about themselves so that they could lead happier inner lives and be more accepting and resourceful.  

Repairing what has been broken

In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi (侘寂) is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of appreciating beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete” in nature.

This bowl is an example of Kintsugi (金継ぎ), the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver or platinum.

As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.

Image by Marco Montalti

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