
    How can the people who annoy you help you get more from your tapping?

    How can the people who annoy you help you get more from your tapping?

    30 Apr 2016

    You may have noticed that people can be very annoying, they can do and say things that upset and disturb us.

    How To Unhook Negative Thoughts With EFT

    How To Unhook Negative Thoughts With EFT

    26 Jan 2016

    ‘You don’t have to stay trapped in your thoughts just because you think them.

    What is the difference between Matrix Reimprinting and Identity Healing?

    What is the difference between Matrix Reimprinting and Identity Healing?

    05 Jan 2016

    People ask me: “What is the difference was between Matrix Reimprinting and Identity Healing (because they seem to be identical)?

    How To Tap To Be At Your Best In Challenging Situations

    How To Tap To Be At Your Best In Challenging Situations

    11 Dec 2015

    You may have noticed that life is full of challenges.

    Tapping for more self-acceptance when you don't measure up

    Tapping for more self-acceptance when you don't measure up

    22 Sep 2015

    Imagine a perfect world. A world where you are the ideal person just as you are.

    How to use EFT to get beyond "I'm right and you're wrong"

    How to use EFT to get beyond "I'm right and you're wrong"

    17 Feb 2015

    When I was a teenager I always wanted to be right and for everyone to know that I was right.

    The Origami Process

    The Origami Process

    16 Nov 2014

    Sometimes how we feel about things is complicated, especially when those feelings are painful.

    Tapping Into Our Shadow

    Tapping Into Our Shadow

    23 Aug 2014

    A man was walking home late one night when he saw the Mulla Nasrudin searching under a street light on hands and knees for something on the ground.